We offer site investigation contracting with factual reporting, cross consultancy services.

Geotechnical  Consultancy

Geotechnical Consultancy

Geotechnical risk is one of the main considerations developers and engineers need to manage in order to deliver a successful project.

In-situ Testing  Earthworks

In-situ Testing Earthworks

Working closely with the laboratory and the consultancy teams, we specialise in working with contractors delivering the placement of engineered fill.

Laboratory  Testing

Laboratory Testing

Our modern testing facilities paired with qualified and experienced staff enables our clients to choose independent testing services, or testing as part of the overall site investigation package.

Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land

Our investigations range from Phase 1 reports, developing the conceptual site model to detailed quantitative risk assessments.



South West Geotechnical Ltd works within a wide variety of sectors.Clicking here will take you to case studies, by sector type, that demonstrate our capabilities and innovative approach.



St Agnes, Cornwall

Rocky Lane, St Agnes Eco Lodge DevelopmenT​

SWG were appointed ground investigation and geotechnical design engineer for the development of 12 high specification timber lodge houses perched on a mined steep valley side overlooking Trevaunance Cove, St Agnes. The site represents one of the biggest geotechnical challenges in the south west, with major issues including:



  • Ground contaminated by both natural and mining processes
  • Unrecorded mining voids including adits, shafts and lode stope workings
  • Rock slope instability
  • Fill slope instability
  • Deep foundation requirements


Following detailed investigation, solutions designed to overcome these site specific problems have included:



  • Inert capping layers to isolate contaminated fill
  • Filling and grouting of worked stopes
  • Capping of mineshafts
  • Re-profiling fill slopes with geogrid reinforcement
  • Supporting new cut slopes with soil nails and shotcrete or proprietary matting
  • Supporting unstable rock slopes with anchors and heavy duty meshing
  • Rock-socketed piling to support new structures



Rocky Lane, St Agnes

Mining features identified from historical records and photographs.


Rocky Lane, St Agnes


Typical geotechnical works included soil nailing, shotcreting and erosion protection associated with stabilising proposed plot.


Rocky Lane, St Agnes




Capping of mineshaft





Rocky Lane, St Agnes Eco Lodge DevelopmeT



South West Geotechnical
South West Geotechnical
South West Geotechnical