We offer site investigation contracting with factual reporting, cross consultancy services.

Geotechnical  Consultancy

Geotechnical Consultancy

Geotechnical risk is one of the main considerations developers and engineers need to manage in order to deliver a successful project.

In-situ Testing  Earthworks

In-situ Testing Earthworks

Working closely with the laboratory and the consultancy teams, we specialise in working with contractors delivering the placement of engineered fill.

Laboratory  Testing

Laboratory Testing

Our modern testing facilities paired with qualified and experienced staff enables our clients to choose independent testing services, or testing as part of the overall site investigation package.

Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land

Our investigations range from Phase 1 reports, developing the conceptual site model to detailed quantitative risk assessments.



South West Geotechnical Ltd works within a wide variety of sectors.Clicking here will take you to case studies, by sector type, that demonstrate our capabilities and innovative approach.




Ground Gas Desk Study​

Phase 1 Ground Gas Desk Study for redevelopment of a residential property


Following submission of a Planning Application, the Local Authority expressed concern about a former quarry being a potential source of ground gas which could impact the proposed development.  SWG undertook a Phase 1 contamination desk study and walkover survey to assist with planning conditions to and to produce a Conceptual Model of the site and identify the Source-Pathway-Receptor linkages between the quarry (source) and the proposed dwelling (receptor). 


ground gas

The old quarries and associated pond located 25m south west of the site have been backfilled, in part, therefore, these features presented a theoretical source of ground gas.  It was determined that as the quarries are not capped, any gasses generated would vent to the atmosphere rather than migrating laterally through the ground towards the development site.  SWG argued that the use of modern construction techniques and a damp proof membrane with good sealing around pipes and floor structure will provide inherent gas protection measures.  The desk study was accepted by the Local Authority and relevant warranty providers, subsequently planning was granted, saving the Client time and money. 

Area 4 South VSC



South West Geotechnical
South West Geotechnical
South West Geotechnical